• CPM Sports Background

    Sports Injury Therapy & Rehab

    Assessment - Diagnosis - Treatment - Rehabilitation - Prevention

    Your complete journey from the moment of injury to being pain free.

    Sports Massage - Soft Tissue Therapy - Pilates - Personal Training

    Corrective Exercise for Pain, Posture, Movement and Mobility.

Tom Williams

"Going to Chris with back pain was the best decision I've ever made, he not only diagnosed the source of the pain and fixed it, but also taught me how to stop the problem from reoccurring. Because of his help I've been able to get back into playing sports and return to the gym, pain free."

Tom Williams, student & gym monster.

Nicky Heath

I chose Chris as my Sports Massage Therapist because of his extensive qualifications and the fact that he was also a Personal Trainer. I train regularly at the gym which causes niggles that need fixing, but also suffer with back and neck problems from being chained to an office desk 8 hours a day. With his knowledge of both massage and training, Chris understands what has caused my discomfort and can use various methods to sort it out. He's friendly and approachable and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him.

Nicky Heath, Cheltenham.

Henry Marshall

I have lessons from a Tennis Pro, and although he has given me many excellent tennis tips, the best thing for my tennis elbow (and golfer’s elbow) has been to seek Sports Massage Therapy from Chris, followed by his tailor made exercise regime. The elbow is still pain free and going strong six months after the last treatment.

Henry Marshall, county & national Vets tennis player.

  • Society Member Sports Therapists
  • Sports Massage Association
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